Thursday, October 3, 2019

The Dangers of Video Games

Many people procrastinate in their work at home by playing games. Sure, there are incentives such as supposed prizes, points and cash. The problem is, the real work-that pays in cash-gets put aside in favor of something more fun like Trick-Tac-Toe, Pyramid Solitaire or Slots. Or worse, money is lost due to online casino gambling.
At the very least, you can waste a day playing games, wearing yourself out, and avoiding work you know needs to get done. At the other end, the waste hits your bank account as well as your time. Too many marriages have broken up due to online gaming, both the free and pay kind. When one ceases to pay attention to the 'normal' activities of living in favor of the false world of gaming, there is trouble on the horizon.
Way back when video poker first hit the scene in Las Vegas, the addiction treatment centers started expanding their clientele quite a bit. At that time the addicted players were mostly women who wanted to zone out and escape from their lives. The physician who became known as the world expert in video game addiction became quite busy. Studies showed that video poker was the number one gambling addiction in the world and was the most difficult to cure.
What is this propensity that humans have to gamble? Don't we get enough challenges in our everyday lives nowadays? All mammals love to play, so the play itself is not the 's the deliberately addictive lure of the machine. The addicted will press those buttons as fast as possible for as long as the money holds out, ignoring the need to pay bills, buy food and gas, or take care of children.
With the advent of home computers and the popularity of the internet, we now have millions of people around the world playing games. Many game sites are free, provided by advertising funds. Others are real online casinos where people can lose all their money in the comfort of their own homes...until the money is all gone.
For those who want to work from home on their computers, the best advice is to avoid the online games or risk losing large amounts of time to things not worth the investment. As if there were not already enough distractions in the home environment--now there are more, of the kind that can bankrupt a family. Work at home people, please turn your attention to a book, knitting or the like instead of those  are not harmless. Find something else to relieve the strain of online work. Take a five minute stretch break or get a cup of tea, take the dog out for a walk, or return phone calls. At the very least, keep a timer by the computer and limit yourself to 5 minutes every hour of computer play.
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